Monday, June 1, 2009

Jessica turns 13. 4/23/09


  1. Happy Happy BirthDay Jessie Dear!!!

  2. By the Way, This is Christian. Your Dad's greatest friend in Arizona! I kinda like him a little too. So, when you see my alter ego, RoMaN HoLLaDaY, just remember it'a me...the guy who used to sing in yer Dad's mission.

  3. Hey, I love the photo's, what a beauty she is... love u lots Jessica...... G.C.

  4. Hey Grandpa! Glad you like the photos!
    You'll laugh when I tell you my mom had to get out in the middle of the reflection pool to get those shots! Thank goodness she loves me.--Jess

    Hello Christian,

    This is Jessica Cordner but, I guess you already know that... I've heard my Dad had a blast with you on his mission, eh?

  5. Why is no one answering my pleas for converstaion, my desperate calls for SOMETHING TO DO !? IT IS SUMMER. I. AM. SO . BORED.
    Mother's rebuttal... So today, I did take you shopping at your request AND you are going babysitting in a few minutes. What more could you want to do? You are living the life!

  6. What MORE, WHAT MORE !!!!!?????
    Yah, you're the one leaving for Virgina in 2 weeks!
    (Meanwhile back at the house) no one is home... While Cameron and mom have escaped to Virgina WE'RE AT DISNEYLAND!!!! HE HE HE HE HE

    (who knows what we'll be up to, MOTHER)
